Weave // event posters (MFA thesis project)
Weave // urban audio tour mobile application (MFA thesis project)
Weave // website (MFA thesis project)
Erector rebranding // visual standards guide
Erector rebranding // business system and stationery
IKEA // corporate sustainability report
IKEA // corporate sustainability report
Two Sides of the Door // Sam Mendes film festival identity
Two Sides of the Door // Sam Mendes film festival materials
Two Sides of the Door // Sam Mendes film festival materials
Exploring Diverse Cultures in San Francisco video
What is White? // experimental publication
What is White? // experimental publication
Experimental type poster
Clear Skin // mobile application
Clear Skin // mobile application
Converge // typography conference design system
Converge // typography conference design system
HOME/Graphic Design/
Mengyi Shao

Mengyi Shao

Graphic Design / MFA

My name is Mengyi Shao, a graphic designer originally from China, currently living in San Francisco. Most of my works focus on design strategy, branding, visual systems, editorial design, UI/UX, illustration, and motion graphics.

I have a strong passion for creating designs that can contribute to changing people’s lives and making the world a better place. I love taking on problem-solving challenges and talking with people from different worlds because I believe empathizing with the audience I design for is a powerful method for producing effective designs.

Before getting an MFA degree in Graphic Design, I earned a BA degree in Art and Technology of Exhibition. Besides my love for graphic design, I also love architecture, 3D modeling, handcraft models, and geometric/abstract shapes, and sometimes combine them with graphic design to create unexpected outcomes.

If you are interested in my work or would like to collaborate, please don’t hesitate to contact me!

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