Atmos mobile application (MFA thesis project)
Pasture magazine (MFA thesis project)
Pasture magazine (MFA thesis project)
Re-Create festival (MFA thesis project)
Questa typeface // promo materials
Questa typeface // promo materials
Brian De Palma Film Festival materials
Brian De Palma Film Festival materials
Brian De Palma Film Festival materials
Motion Graphics
NASA Rebranding
Talk Tall book
Talk Tall mobile application
Motion Graphics
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Peter Asadamongkol

Peter Asadamongkol

Graphic Design / MFA

My name is Peter Asadamongkol, I am a graphic designer currently pursuing a master's degree at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco. Typography, motion graphics, print, and product design are my passion. When I am not designing you can find me indulging myself in model making, listening to classic hits, and most of all, going out to eat around town.

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